Healthy Life
All kinds of Arthritis, Frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow, Cervical spondylitis, Lumbar spondylitis, Low Back pain, Sciatica, Common sports and athletic injuries
Dementia, Delirium, Insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Osteoporosis, Muscle and Joint pain, Arthritis and other degenerative conditions.
Chronic Constipation, Acid Reflux, Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid disorder, Obesity, Sleep apnoea, complimentary support to the person with cancer
Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, Stress
Neck control, postural stability, gait and drooling of saliva, intellectual and emotional disabilities, delayed speech & language, motor & sensory skills
Acupuncture along with Ayurveda and Integral Yoga for the better management of the health conditions
with the elements of Integral yoga to enable the individuals to overcome the negative emotions, improve their personality and wellbeing.
To improve the “self/personality” and Human potentials
A Place Of Healing, Peace, And Wellness.
Atmabhav Integral Wellness Centre aim to achieve optimum health & wellbeing of the individuals through connecting their Head, Heart and Hands. To achieve this, we work on the Koshas or dimensions of human personality through the application of Ayurveda, Integral Yoga, Marma Therapy & Counselling. We strongly believe that human potentials could be improved only when they have "Seriousness, Sincerity, Commitment, Accountability and Responsibility" towards their personality development. We use this framework to help the individuals to undertake self- assessment, understand their personality, improve and sustain the dimensions of the personality.
“Atmabhava” means “Empathetic” i.e. the ability to see oneself reflected in everyone. When you can see your reflection in everyone, then the service happens most efficiently. With the intention of "Atmabhava", we emphasize on synchronizing awareness and energy to enhance the potentials of the Head to attain peace of mind, open the Heart to have balanced emotions and bring creativity to the Hands
Dr Adarsh Shetty
Our Values :
About Us
We Connect Your Body, Mind & Energy for understanding one-self
We help individuals to understand their Mind-Body Operating System (MBOS). If they understand their MBOS, then they can become ‘AWARE’ about their Body, Mind and Energy as “One unit”. When the Body, Mind & Energy are synchronized, they can perform more efficiently.
Prakriti-Mind Body Operating System (MBOS)
Individuals should become aware of the psycho-physical constitution to follow an appropriate lifestyle and lead a healthy life. According to Ayurveda and Yoga, it is called ‘Prakriti’. Prakriti of the individual is determined at conception and remains the same throughout life. It is unique for each individual as different operating systems (OS) for different devices. There are seven types of ‘Prakriti’ based on the permutation & combination of Tridoshas or dominance of the physical & mental characteristics.
Our Prakriti is Chrono biological in nature and sensitive to daily, tidal, seasonal and annual rhythms. Hence with the right understanding of the Prakriti ratio, one should adopt the Tripod of Life or lifestyle (i.e. Ahara/Food, Nidra/Sleep & Brahmacharya/Discipline). For example, Vata Prakriti dominated people cannot accept the Pitta or Kapha Prakriti dominated lifestyle. If we don’t adopt a proper Lifestyle according to the Prakriti ratio or if we go out of our balance from the ratio we are born with, there are chances that our OS will crash and be subject to malware viruses and leads to various disorders. Hence we can maintain OS in proper ratio only when we know our Prakriti.
Hurry up to know your MBOS! Consult Atmabhav to know your Prakriti type.
Our Approach :