
Atmabhav Information blogs

Connecting Head, Heart and Hands:

Head, Heart and Hands are the three levels of human expressions. These three- Head (Function of the Mind), Heart (Expression of Emotions) and Hands (Performing Actions) unite in such a way that they are mutually interdependent and form human personality. They function based on the Awareness and Energy of the individual. If awareness and energy are not synchronized, there will be a loss in thoughts, feelings and actions. Hence will lead to an imbalance in the personality and will not be able to perceive reality, relationships and other life circumstances and will begin to feel disturbed mentally and emotionally. It will influence the pillars of life i.e. Aahara (Food), Nidra (Quality of rest) and Brahmacharya (Disciplined lifestyle) and will lead to disease.

We at Atmabhav, emphasize synchronizing awareness and energy to enhance the potentials of the Head, open the Heart and bring creativity to the Hands.

Understanding Prakriti- Mind Body Operating System (MBOS)

Prakriti is one’s Mind-Body (Psychosomatic) constitution or nature and determines our “Personality”. By nature, they are cosmic or universal. According to the science of Ayurveda and Integral Yoga, the whole of Prakriti in manifest form is constituted of Five elements/Panchatattwa/Panchabhoota:


Air (Vayu)


Water (Jala)

Earth (Prithvi)

According to Samkhya philosophy, Panchatattwa is the basis of every cosmic creation including Humans.

Everything in Panchatatva has inherited Trigunas or three cosmic qualities. That is Akash is dominated by Satwa, Vayu is dominated by Rajas, Agni is dominated by Satwa & Rajas, Jala is dominated by Satwa & Tamas and Prithvi is dominated by Tamas.

In human beings, Trigunas form mental qualities i.e Satwa, the state of truth, simplicity and equanimity in action; Rajas, the state of dynamism and activity and Tamas, the state of inertia and ignorance. The Panchatatva combine in pairs to form Tridoshas. i.e. Vata (Air &Space Energy), Pitta (Fire &Water Energy) and Kapha (Water &Earth energy). Tridosha is the three basic 'Humors' or "Forces" of our physical body. It is psychosomatic in nature because of the inherited mental qualities of Panchatatwa. This constitution is determined at conception and remains the same throughout life.

Prakriti provides a guide to lifestyle and ways of healthy living. Prakriti is dependent on three sub pillars of Life or Tripod of Life i.e. Ahara/Food, Nidra/Sleep & Brahmacharya/Discipline. One has to adopt the Tripod of life appropriate to one’s Prakriti to maintain health. Otherwise, this may get affected due to internal and external factors such as daily weather conditions, climate, seasons, food, habits, working conditions, stress, emotions, social relationships and lead to Vikruti. The continued state of Vikriti lead to low immunity and get attracted to various disorders. Vikriti could be corrected by adopting an appropriate lifestyle. By correcting Vikriti we can restore the original Prakriti/constitution.

Integral Yoga:

There can be one predominant temperament and other can be submissive and hence individuals may not be able to develop in integral way. To educate and develop the individual in integral way it is important to combine the different branches of yoga i.e. Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Kriya yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga and Bhakti yoga is called as integral yoga.

Those who are rational predominantly by temperament, for them jnana yoga is the predominant yoga; then bhakti yoga, raja yoga, karma yoga can be practised. If the person is predominantly dynamic by temperament, karma yoga is the predominant yoga; but bhakti yoga, raja yoga, jnana yoga must go along as well. This is called yoga of synthesis or integral yoga for integral development. These different branches of yoga do not mutually exclude each other. Karma yoga leads to bhakti yoga, which in turn leads to raja yoga. Raja yoga brings jnana, knowledge. Jnana intensifies bhakti. Karma yoga, the path of selfless service, purifies the heart, bhakti yoga removes the tossing of the mind, raja yoga steadies the mind. Every yoga is a fulfilment of the preceding one.

The practice of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga and Kriya yoga (categorized as Inner yoga or Antaranga yoga) help the individuals to observe themselves and change their mentality, habits, environments, conditions (inner experiences). The practice of Karma Yoga, Jnana yoga and Bhakti yoga (categorized as Outer or Bahiranga yoga) guide the social life needs of the individuals or expressing the attainment in their action, behaviour and thought.

Integral yoga is the hallmark of the Sivananda tradition, which was further developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswathi and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswathi. We at Atmabhav, adopted this tradition of integral yoga and integrated with Ayurveda, Marma Therapy and Counselling to improve the personality.

Salient characteristics of Tridoshas:


Vata Prakriti is responsible for governing all motions and movements. Some of its psychological characteristics are quickness, creativity, easily getting confused, prone to anxiety and highly energetic.


Pitta Prakriti is responsible for controlling all transforming processes. Some of its psychological characteristics are good analytic skills, assertiveness, focus generally they are good decision-makers and are short-tempered.


Kapha Prakriti is responsible for cohesion, growth and liquefaction. Some of its psychological characteristics are stability, strong, patient, resistance to change & stubbornness.


Ayurveda is a science of life and longevity. It is an ancient science of body (sharira), mind (manas) and spirit (soul/atman). It emphasises treating the whole of oneself or personality i.e. body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda system of medicine is holistic because it emphasises preventive, promotive and curative health of mind and body.

Ayurveda views the body as the extension of the mind and the vehicle of our perception. The body design supports the functions of the mind and senses to facilitate experience by the 'mind' to explore the world. Any destruction in bodily function is due to the wrong use of the 'senses' and the accumulation of negative emotions. Hence it is most important to see how we use our mind while understanding bodily functions.

At Atmabhav, we give equal emphasis to understanding the mind along with understanding bodily functions.

Marma therapy/Marma Yoga:

Marma therapy or Marma Yoga predominantly works through Pranamaya Kosha or subtle energy connected with our entire body (Annamaya kosha) and mind (Manomaya kosha and its existence as one unit. This subtle energy is present in our naadis, nerves, blood vessels, junction of the bones, muscles and tissues and are spread throughout the body and called Marma points. These points perform the duty of receiving and supplying energy in the body and helping in the proper functioning of the body and life force (Prana).

These marma points get disrupted due to changes in our lifestyle such as changes in diet, sleep. The disruption in the functions of these marma points leads to disease. Stimulating these marma points through hand movements is called Marma therapy. The stimulation of marma points through the practices of Hatha yoga is called Marma Yoga.

We at Atmabhav integrated marma therapy along with marma yoga.

Koshas Health

Balancing Koshas to restore Health & Wellbeing

Our journey towards well-being begins with the ‘Koshas wellness consultation’. Here we understand your personality and identify the imbalances in your koshas through understanding your Prakriti. Then we design the personalized treatment plan focussing on “Koshas Health” and therapy based on the right combination of Ayurveda, Integral yoga, Marma Therapy & Counselling to build and achieve resilience in all levels of koshas.

-> Annamaya kosha(Physical body), the dimension of matter

-> Pranamaya kosha(energy body), the dimension of energy

-> Manomaya kosha(Mental body), the dimension of subtle experiences, the mind in its totality

-> Vijnanamaya kosha(Intuitive body), the dimension of the supermind

-> Anandamaya kosha(Bliss body), the transcendental dimension.

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